

Metamorphosis is a scarf which can be unfolded to a hood in the design of a butterfly.

Topic | Metamorphosis – a hooded scarf showing the process of metamorphosis

Context | Beauty unfolds from within. Like the miraculous metamorphosis of the swallowtail. The aim of this project is the creation of a multifunctional product which can be used as a scarf as well as a hood. The fluffy scarf has a coat in the style of the swallowtail caterpillar. Underneath you can find the butterfly hood which unfolds for use when turned over.

Realisation | Sketching concept design. Considering the best fitting material and technic. Creating designs for knitting machine. Producing designed fabric. Pattern making and testing on prototype. Sewing.

Technology | Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign

Material | Cotton-Yarn

Project Members | Marie Petters

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