Christmas in Greenwoods – Illustration Collection

Christmas in Greenwoods – Illustration Collection

Christmas in Greenwoods is a christmas story I wrote and illustrated for my godchild in 2014.

Topic | Christmas in Greenwoods – a color-me-story-book

Context | Christmas in Greenwoods is a christmas story about the animals living in Greenwoods celebrating Christmas after a big snow storm. All this is only possible because of sharing and spirit of charity. This story was written and illustrated for my godchild in 2014. Some Artworts are made as line-art only, so that she could color them after reading.

Realisation | Traditional sketching with pencil. Digital painting with Adobe Illustrator. Printing and book binding

Technology | Adobe Illustator

Material | Pen & Paper

Project Members | Marie Petters

Christmas in Greenwoods
Read the story here. Unfortunately this is only available in German

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