Mangalia – interactive herbarium

Mangalia – interactive herbarium



Mangalia is a little interactive herbarium set up as a game.  The player can explore the world of Mangalia, and gain useful information about the functions and features of various plants while letting them grow step by step.

Topic | Mangalia – A digital herbarium as a game made in Unity

Context | The concept is inspired by my same-named textile design project, an interactive, magnetic play-wall for kids in the look of my created fantasy world Mangalia. In this Magic world the fairy dragons live together in harmony with their environment, taking care of the various magical plants around them. The fairy dragons live in the huge mushrooms and they  the plants of Mangalia grow, while they provide them food, light sources and shelter instead. Every plant has different functions and impacts, especially the seeds. With some the fairy dragons can cure the disease of other plants, or mix them to make them grow faster.

Realisation | Creating Concept Art, 3D Modeling, Texturing & Mapping, Coding C#, World-Building, Coding C#, UI

Technology | Zbrush, Unity, traditional drawing

Materials | Copic Marker and paper (for concept art)

Project members | Marie Petters (everything)

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