Auri – the secret of Eneru – Concept Art Collection

Auri – the secret of Eneru – Concept Art Collection

Auri – the secret of Eneru – is a fantasy novel I am working on. It is also the base for my same named 2D game which is inspired by the story. 

Topic | Auri – the secret of Eneru – Concept Art 

Context | Auri – the secret of Eneru – tells the story of auri, child of the moon, facing the darkness while strolling on earth. The most important message behind this story is life is what you make it and that lots of things can be changed if you only decide to fight for it. My most beloved quote says it all “The only thing we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us” from Gandalf, the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien. I started concepting the Characters and writing this story in 2015.

Living between stars Auri grows up in light and harmony. as the portrayal of moonlight her nature is gentle and pure, yet one of a little girl, always connected to the moon by the shimmering mooncord. On her futzing she once got chased by a grumpy meteor and lost her way during her escape while finding herself at a cold, dark place without light. The earth. While being trapped there, in falling swartiness, Auri learns about the earths condition, its dwellers and forces by finding new friends and mentors living on earth. Soon she figures out the root of the unfamiliar, creeping blackness. darkness itself lost its inner light “eneru” and tries to gain it back by absorbing every single spark of light.

“Eneru” is known as the souls energy. Its source of light. it requires inner strength to keep it alive or it will fade. Once lost, its almost impossible to get it back. The lost soul will wander in darkness and in doubts, like an empty shell without hope. On its desperate try to retrieve its inner light, darkness withdraws every light existing around it, while creeping into every substance inhabited by a soul and taking their light from them.
as a child of an orb, Auri owns special powers to gift and bring back light. Accompanied by her new friends and lead by the mysterious forces strolling on earth, Auri starts to fight the darkness with the help of her inner light “Eneru”. As a symbol of hope she starts her journey to give back what once was lost…

Realisation | Usually I draw the first sketches by hand with pen & paper. Then I work them out further with my graphic tablet in Adobe Photoshop

Technology | Photoshop

Material | Pen & paper for rough sketches

Project Members | Marie Petters

Game View


Auri is always connected to the moon by the mooncord.

concept art for the 2D game



Game View Unity


2D Assets for Game Levels implemented in Unity



Action Scene


Fuin fights for lives

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