Marie Petters

my mind recounts a fairy tale

* Artist and professional daydreamer
* Bachelor of Arts (Textildesign)
* upcoming Master of Arts (Media and   Games Conception)

“All we have to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to us”
Gandalf, the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien


One of my favorite quotes and my philosophy of life. Things in life don’t always go easy but the more important it is to know that so many things can be influenced by yourself. You only have to decide to do so. And to decide what you want to with the time given to you. I decided to do what I love most. Art. Design. Writing Stories. Games. So here I am. Finishing my master studies in Media and Games Conception at University of applied sciences Harz.

In every single project of mine you can recognize my passions. My affection for fantasy. My inner child. My awareness for environment and wildlife protection. My affection for kids and their education. My interest in different cultures and languages. My love for details. My passion for games and toys. And my way of giving projects meaning by stories. As I am an emotional and sensitive person, I put a lot of passion in my work and of course I have a great emotional connection to my projects. I want to communicate my feelings and emotions via my work by giving them deep atmosphere. I always try to tell a message with my projects while I hope for people to realize and internalize them. Which is of course my biggest intention when I write stories as well.

Working on different kind of creative projects allows me to enjoy a huge variety of tasks which I really love. While working on my projects autonomically I appreciate working freely. I love to have good company during work as a pleasant working atmosphere is a huge thing for me and it makes discussing things way easier. Communication is also a big thing when it comes to collecting ideas and brainstorming. Therefore I really like group projects as there is no greater experience than the moment you realize you can trust and rely on your teammates. It is an awesome feeling to build up something big which you’d never be able to do alone and to work for one goal while watching your project grow together. I enjoy meeting and working with new people especially from different countries as well as traveling and finding out about the lands culture and conditions which is always a pool for new project inspiration. My exchange Semester in Sweden and my tutor job for indian exchange students gave me the chance to already meet many awesome people from all over the world with a huge variety in cultural backgrounds which was one of the greatest experiences in my life.

In my spare time you will find me outside jogging or during a stroll, in gym, at home playing games with friends (digital or boardgames), fooling around (the best way to get creative ideas), drawing (while listening to some epic movie soundtrack), working on my projects, improving my Swedish while struggling to learn Japanese at the same time, writing stories, watching Animes or reading Mangas or Fantasy books, developing new concepts, trying to finally finish my cosplays or working on my biggest project so far, my fantasy novel: Auri – the secret of Eneru.

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